15 Před a po

Advent – den patnáctý
Kat Layfield

Při současném stálém působení příšerných tréninkových metod, které musí spousta koní snášet, je důležité si uvědomit, že existují i alternativy, alternativy EXISTUJÍ!
Škola lehkosti!

Instruktoři školy lehkosti jsou rozptýleni po světě a učí své studenty, že JE MOŽNÉ trénovat koně eticky, bez kompromisů k welfare a že tak lze dosáhnout nejvyšších úrovní vzdělání.

Pro zdůraznění jsem vybrala sérii fotek Před a Po několika mých klientů, kteří se mnou trénují podle principů Školy lehkosti.
Tyto fotky nepředstavují finální výsledek – trénink je cesta! Někteří z těchto koní mají zdravotní problémy, někteří jsou používáni pro rehabilitaci, někteří jsou prostě šťastní vyjížďkoví koně, někteří jsou přiježděni na velmi vysoké úrovni, všichni tito koně významně benefitují z toho, že se jejich trénink změnil z konvenčního na trénink podle principů Školy lehkosti.
Légèréte klade welfare koně do středu všeho dění.

Instruktoři Légèréte nikdy nepoužívají pomocné vybavení. Instruktoři Légèréte nikdy nepoužívají nízkou dozadu působící ruku, která přes udidlo bolestivě působí na jazyk. Instruktoři Légèréte nikdy přílišně nezkracují a/nebo nerolují krk koně. Instruktoři Légèréte nikdy nesvazují hubu koně švédskými či kombinovanými nánosníky.

Instruktoři Légèréte upřednostňují šťastného, spokojeného a komunikativního koně před vše, co s koněm dělají.
Koně trénovaní dle Légèréte jsou šťastnější a zdravější.
Už jste svého koně změnili pomocí Légèréte?

Amanda and Beau BEFORE Legerete lessons. Prior to Legerete Amanda thought she was supposed to keep her hands low and still, after all that's what most riders do and what most teachers teach. Unfortunately this caused Beau a lot of pain on his tongue and consequently he hollowed and contracted his top line
Amanda and Beau AFTER Legerete lessons. Here Amanda has learnt to use her hands on the corners of Beaus mouth so there is no longer any tongue pain. Consequently Beau is confidently stretching with the contact in a nice open poll, medium neck position. Well done Amanda!
Marie and Gabriel BEFORE Legerete lessons. Here Marie is riding with low, backward acting hands and Gabriel is overflexed and contracted in his neck and his body is tight like a bouncy ball. Marie had thought it was kinder to ride Gabriel bitless, however this picture shows that riding bitless can still cause a horse to move in a contracted, unhealthy biomechanic.
Marie and Gabriel AFTER Legerete lessons. Here Gabriel is stretched out like spaghetti in a lovely neck extension. Here Marie has learnt how to use a bit correctly via her hands only acting on the corners of Gabriel's mouth. Consequently Gabriel is happy to stretch his top line and confidently takes the bit forwards. Well done Marie!
Seren and Ritchie BEFORE Legerete lessons. Ritchie had no idea how to move his body correctly. He had spent a number of years at a college where the students rode him in a market harborough. When the MH was taken off him, this is the position it had taught him to move in, overflexed and leaning on Seren's hands.
Seren and Ritchie AFTER Legerete lessons. Here Seren had learnt how to use her hands correctly to educate Ritchie on how to move his body in a healthy way. Here he is stretching in a good active trot and now has total confidence in the hands of Seren. He was 21 years old in this picture. Well done Seren!
Sally and Jaffa BEFORE Legerete. Here Jaffa is over flexed (OF). Her nose is behind the vertical and her poll is dropped. In this moment she is also leaning on Sally's low hands. As a consequence of the OF she is blocked in her shoulders as her head is heavy. This OF position limits the ability for the postural muscles of her thoracic sling to work effectively. You can see Jaffa is having to use the muscles of the top portion of her neck to hold her head and neck in that position.
Sally and Jaffa AFTER Legerete. Here Sally has learnt how to ask Jaffa to stop overflexing and Sally's hands are acting on the corners of Jaffa's lips not her tongue. The difference between the before and after photos in this case are more subtle but it is these position changes that are crucial to enable development of Jaffa's self carriage. This more open poll with nose in front of the vertical and poll higher have unblocked Jaffa's shoulders and she has a better stretch through her whole top line. She is now using her postural muscles to support her neck position. The over development of the muscles of the high portion of her neck is no longer visible. Well done Sally!
Briony and Reo BEFORE Legerete lessons. Briony competed Reo in Britich Dressage. She had reached a plato in her progress with him and was disillusioned with the competition world. Like most riders she had been taught to ride with low hands. Like most horses, this had caused Reo to overflex to get away from the tongue pain. He was very contracted in his neck and body. This contraction had caused him to have a lateral walk and he was very heavy on his shoulders.
Briony and Reo AFTER Legerete lessons. Here Briony is exhibiting the benefits of training consistently using the principle's of Legerete. Here Reo is in Piaffe in shoulder In position, flexing his haunches and light in his shoulders. This posture and position would never have been possible for them without Legerete training. Well done Briony!
Briony and Reo AFTER Legerete. Here Reo is showing off his spanish walk. This again would have been impossible with the shoulder balance he had before Legerete. Well done Briony!
Hugo and Elke BEFORE Legerete lessons. Hugo had been an international event horse CIC*. Here his body was very atrophied and tight from an ill fitting saddle which alongside some pathology, had stopped his body being able to work correctly.
Hugo and Elke AFTER In hand Legerete lessons Due to the nature of Hugo's rehab requirements we spent 3 months teaching him gymnastic lunging and in hand work. This is the effect it had on his body after 3 months! Well done Elke!

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